It’s a Hot One!

Whew! With temperatures in the low 90s today, it was prime waterfront weather. Some activities can’t continue when it gets this hot, so counselors bring them down to the waterfront. Horseback riding is the prime example, but it also gets really hot on the Skeeter for basketball and on the tennis courts. So the waterfront was a hopping place all day.

Lots of great launches off the blob, (Teddy Koehl and Matthew Russell were prime blobbers!) trips down the waterslide, water basketball, and skis around the lake.  It was a really windy day too, too windy for the younger kids to sail, so they had tons of fun playing around on the windsurf boards.

Activities that weren’t down at the lake got creative in their activity, like Sports and Games playing some fun games in the sprinklers on the soccer field…not always organized games, but lots of boys being boys and just playing in the sprinklers on a hot summer day!

Breakfast was a huge crowd pleaser of chocolate chip pancakes and sausage, and lunch was chicken tenders and waffle fries. It might have been a hot one today at Deerhorn, but based on all the smiles, laughs, and screams of glee on the waterfront,  it was another good camp day!


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