So Much

I could tell you about how the weather was gorgeous again today, with sunny skies and mid 80s. I could tell you that Sports and Games played ultimate frisbee on the soccer field. I could tell you how cool it was to watch the littlest kids in camp learn how to bridle a horse this morning. I could tell you that we announced teams today, and kids were so excited to play the first D session game of Braveheart tonight after dinner. But sometimes I go through the pictures of a day and I just think the pictures tell the story better than I ever could. D session is the session of So Much. So much joy. So much excitement and energy. So much running. So much team spirit. So much fun and so many smiles. And it’s true that Deerhorn itself is a place of So Much all summer long. But D session is next level So Much. You can hear it in the noise of the dining hall .(Or rather, you can’t hear the person talking next to you because the dining hall is so loud.) You can hear it at 6amĀ  on every field in camp as kids hit the ground running at the crack of dawn. So much learning. So much growth. So much joy.








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