The D Session Team Draft


That’s what time the first D session campers decided to start the day today, and by 6:30, camp was full of kids on the baseball field, soccer field, playing tether ball, and tennis. Because when you’ve waited all summer to come to Camp Deerhorn, there is NO TIME TO WASTE. We had some strong storms come through after dinner which switched the evening plans from Capture the Flag to koogee time, but kids still had a blast. Our power went out in the middle of the night and isn’t supposed to be restored until later tonight, but we have two Generacs that run on natural gas and kick in as soon as the power goes out. Kids probably don’t even know the power is out, other than the loud  noise the generators make. We are so glad to have them!

Not only is it the first full day of activities for D session, but the Leaders also drafted their teams last night, so there is a LOT of excitement around camp today. We released early from 3rd period of the morning to pass out team shirts. Kids also had a short meeting after lunch today to go over the remainder of the camp rules that we didn’t cover yesterday.

With the teams being announced this morning, that means tonight after dinner it’s time for everyone’s favorite team competition, Braveheart! Younger kids play on the baseball field, and older kids play on the soccer field. Everyone has two flags and tries to pull the flags of the other teams before their flag gets pulled and they’re out of the game. D Session is off to a great start!

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